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“You can only become truly accomplished at
something you love.
Don’t make
money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you
love doing, and then do them so well that people
can’t take their eyes off you.”
- Maya Angelou
Being one who was drawn to more introverted ways
all of my life and being a creative sort who
thrived on variety, I always felt a resistance
to working 9-5 type jobs of the same grid work
day in…day out.
After working job after job from house cleaning
to breakfast making to desk positions and more,
I finally began to step into the world of
freelance work and began to experience the
exciting yet unpredictable world of being…
You perhaps have found yourself with a similar
desire, to live outside of the 9 to 5 grid of
Perhaps you are a single parent searching for
ways to be there for your children while brining
in the bread.
Maybe you are a single person just entering the
world and wanting to avoid mass amounts of
school debts to be paid off for years on end.
Or, maybe you are just ready for a new
existence…a fresh start doing things you’ve
never done before.
Perhaps, like me, you are tired of being bound
by money and feeling as if you’re only barely
getting by.
Perhaps it all simply isn't enough?
Perhaps there is an aching within you to stretch
some kind of hidden wings within
To go places and see things you've never seen
To live that childhood dream of everything you
would one day be.
To find the solutions you must first know the
To know the problem you must first look at the
What makes life most precious?
What moments cause you to breath in like never
Feel like never before...
Are these moments wrapped in green bills or
within another's warm touch?
What is the key to fulfillment?
What is the purpose of gain?
Relax for a moment. Browse through and allow
yourself to dream.
Push past the limits society has placed upon you
and reach past the red tape of your own
perceived capabilities.
Life is beautiful and it is an adventure ready
to be had.
Stop fighting the waves and harness them to get
you where you want to go.