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Frugal - Finding its Powerful Meaning

What does it mean to be frugal? 

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary it means to be: careful about spending money or using things when you do not need to.  

Dare to discover what Webster is NOT telling you?  

Ready to discover your financial inspiration?

Shall we try a different set of stairs this time?

Before you go further, ask yourself a question.

If money was not a factor of our existence, what would you make your life?

Please watch this short clip.  

Open your mind to stepping outside of society's issued box for you...what will you discover?

Though frugality, as a word standing alone, has received a reputation for conveying perhaps a boring, limiting and lame existence, there is actually a limitless amount of freedom, enjoyment and rich contentedness that exists through its open door.

How many of us have found ourselves in economic drowning pools, our dreams always taunting us from the dreamy, sun filled shores nearby...

How many of us have breathed those heavy sighs of desperation while lifting our cement encased feet in efforts to get somewhere…somewhere better, richer, lovelier and carefree of financial heaviness?

Albert Einstein said: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Have we ever looked around at our financial systems we have allowed to govern nearly each and every one of us?  Have we ever allowed ourselves to ponder what would happen if we broke away from that herd majority headed on the fast track to life-long financial grief?

What if you did?

Hear what this brave entrepreneur has to say about breaking the preconceived and society entrenched money making mindsets and forging new paths to economic health...

This website was designed with one vision in mind and one vision alone:


Why do we need new thinking?  Because our systems aren’t working and life is too short and precious to waist any more time on failing…


Ready to test the waters?

Here we go, just a taste won’t hurt…

Take one last look around your financial cage and smile.  Here are the keys to the wonderful world of being financially free…


Here is a variety of "out of the box" ideas for making your wallet full and your mind light...

Unusual Money Makers 

Debt Free Housing

Gain incredible new perspective on your money and future earnings.  

Dave Ramsey will lead you into financial wisdom and empowerment!  

Listen to his secrets below for free...

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