Best Historical
Fiction Novels
The Forgotten
By Stephanie
“The wind was cold, nipping beneath my dress as
I ran down the sand, my hair blowing fiercely
into my eyes. My heart beat fast, anxious to see
him, to feel him, my sweet green eyed wanderer.”
A Breathtaking
In the era of Einstein and relative theories,
Milana Lange was the walking proof; her body
containing a molecular breakthrough which
physically transported her between continents in
a second’s time.
Her travels, however, remained dictated by her
gift, giving her no choice in her comings and
goings. With her unique physical resonance, she
remained forgotten by all she encountered,
teaching her to live unattached, knowing she
would be but a dejavu to any mind that knew her.
Now 30 years old, the tides have begun to change
as she catches the sight of Ashlen, a gorgeous
green eyed wanderer of a different kind whos
self-taught quickness refuses to let Milana’s
drifting heart go. While falling in love
with her persistent charmer and waging war on
her own internal demons, she catches the dark
eye of Rhoe Feng whos bi-polar thrashings
between love and power threaten to pull Milana’s
heart away from Ashlen’s grasp.
With troubles increasing and her gift
threatening to erase her from the world’s memory
forever, Milana must find a way to control her
power before it is taken from her, face her
darkness and discover the powerful woman that
she was meant to be.

Reader Reviews
“I'm not much of a reader, but I didn't want to
put this book down! I'll admit, I'm a hopeless
romantic, and although romance is not all this
book is about, the sweetness of this story is
something you won't forget anytime soon. I
really identified with the characters,
especially the main two. I felt like I knew
them, almost like I'd spent time with them
myself. Now if I could just find a guy as
adorable as Ashlen.”
“This is a charming plot that pulls you in!
The author has that rare "word crafter" gift
that makes it hard to put the book down. Add to
that an intriguing plot and a love story, and
you have a home run. An enjoyable read, making
you wish the sequel was available. Ok, I have
watched the movie "Jumper" more than once, and
love that kind of tale. This is "Jumper" with a
unique twist. Written in an artistic 1920's
setting, this book pulls at your heart as you
feel the pain Milana feels as she just gets
established in a new life and suddenly it
disappears, and she finds herself in a strange,
new location. I hope the sequel comes out
“Good read, couldn't put it down”
“I would recommend this to everyone”
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