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Make money from homes
Write A Book!
I Did, You can too!

This is one imaginary rainbow that actually will have a pot of gold at the end!

Have fun as you write and let your imagination go wild!

Whether you are interested in writing a colorfully illustrated children's book, a short story for teens or the next world famous novel, with vision, persistence and the right tools you can accomplish your dreams and make some great money along the way.

Books can be a great way to get some cash up front or get some longer term money cows rolling.

Times have changed, and where once publishing a book relied upon being reviewed and accepted by a publisher, those days have changed.

Now is the era of do-it yourself and book publishing has fallen right in line with this.

Now nearly anyone can write and publish their own book!

If you have a creative mind, like to doodle, work with colors or write imaginative fun stories, this is a perfect option that won’t over complicate.

And expense?  You won't believe what I'm about to tell you next!

How Does One Sell their Own Book?

Now for getting your book out there; some people believe that publishing a book is too costly and time grueling to be worth the profit…but they’re wrong.

Thanks to today’s streamline publishing market, there are avenues for all types of writers to get their work out to the public while avoiding the complication of a publicist.

Resources to get it Done!

Outskirts Press 

gives the option of self-publishing your book for one upfront cost which is huge fractions cheaper than other major publishing companies.  The cool thing with these guys is you receive 100% of the royalties earned from your book.  This company is linked with book stores such as Barnes and Noble.  If you’re not feeling bold enough to get a hard copy published, go the cheaper route and publish your book as an e-book. 

See their  PRICING HERE     

Don't have any money to invest in publishing?

Get almost no upfront publishing cost and 85% commission from each of your sold books with these two great and highly rated E-Book publishing sites:


Get your work out into popular selling venues such as Barnes and Noble, Baker & Taylor and many more through their E-Book publishing options!

Create Space 

Linked in with, only the number one place to buy books, Create Space gives you the affordable option of not only E-Publishing but Publishing paper-back and hard-cover based on commissioned earnings.  You can't lose with these guys!

I hope this is been a good guide to help launch you into the amazing world of self-published book writing…good luck and may you succeed!

Watch these motivating and helpful videos below:

Check out my first Novel - THE FORGOTTEN TRAVELER on Amazon!


(Return from homes to help me get money)

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