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Overcoming the Adversary

Taking Back Ground

The meaning behind the brush strokes

We can all look at our lives and see the areas that we have been the most wounded in, the most hurt, the most broken. 

For many years of my life I wrestled with an intense feeling of shame along with a heavy blanket of depression which fell over me quite often.

My shame washed over me down into the depths of my being, telling me I was useless and in the way…that I would never be anything to look at, or hear, or know.

My depression was like peering out at the world threw a small locked window.

I felt trapped inside my head, burdened by my fears which held me down like thick shackles about me.  I longed for freedom, and grew envious of those running freely outside in the sun.


It was the Holy Spirit who began to teach me that I had to rise up and unlock the door.

I was actually quite free, only a prisoner to my own mind and thought.

So I began to fight…because you see, the Lord bought my freedom for me long ago…and I wanted to live in it with every part of my being.

Now when the shame comes over me I speak truth of who I am…that I am created perfectly by a God who is perfect and blameless.

Those sins that shamed me so for so long…began to come into light and I began to realize I had been forgiven of them long ago by the ultimate judge.  As this became a reality to me, I began taking back the ground to my freedom which the dark one had stolen through lies for so long.

I realized also, each time that dark depressive cloud would wash over me, that I could choose to feel what it was telling me I felt…or I could choose to fight for joy.  I began forcing myself to laugh and making myself see the whole big picture of my life instead of the relentless illusions of my failures which the enemy tried to feed me over and over again.

We must take back the ground in our lives that has plagued us with sorrow, hopelessness, fear and and a sense of failure.


You are called of the ultimate power…God…and you are something amazing…living…breathing…alive.

So fight, relentlessly…and never ever give up until you have rightfully taken back every last piece of your God given ground.

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