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My Personal Breakthrough

What the Artist Wanted to Convey

My personal breakthrough

All my life I lived feeling like a helpless victim to a cruel world. 

I battled severe depression and felt many times forgotten by God and lost in a dark mess of lies that had grown up deep inside of my mind.  I lived years this way, trying to be the faithful martyr and never truly feeling a very strong sense of self or vision for my life.

When I painted this, it was around the time that my Creator began to show me that he had given me the power over my own life. 

I began to realize I was not a religious slave…or I should say I began to realize I didn’t have to be a slave to religion any longer. God began to peel back the lies from my eyes that my life would never truly belong to me and He began to show me the truth of who Stephanie was.

At the time I painted this I cleaned houses full time for my income. One night I had a dream and in the dream I was cleaning a massive and grand hotel lobby. There was a man at the desk who I believe represented Jesus. He came up to me and gently touched my arm. “I called you here to live and enjoy, this is who I see you to be.” He said gently to me. Following His words I was suddenly standing in a large and beautiful meadow and I was laughing with flowers in my hair…and I was so beautiful. The dream woke me to a new reality.

I began to sense the power of being his creation and the tremendous creative choice he had given me in walking out my own life. I began to see that society, especially religious society, loves to feel in control and set people into perfect religious existences and formats.

But no, this wasn’t what God desired for me on this earth. He had given me the reigns of choice and a heart that beat for TRUTH. I began to feel empowered with possibility, more than I ever had before.

More and more the world began looking brighter as I walked out of my shadows, out of my isolation, out of my self-perceived storms and chose to look up at the sunlight coming through, just as the woman in my painting.

God began teaching me how to dance in who I was and let excitement wash over me of who I would be.

He wishes to do the same in you, maybe He already has begun. Maybe you look at this painting and understand because you have already walked this road.

Wherever you stand, I hope this painting will inspire you.

You are a woman/ man created with free will and creative power over your life…to walk FREE.

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