Demon of Lust for Love, My Battle
Chapter 2 - Longing
to be Beautiful
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I never felt very confident growing up.
Even as a little girl I struggled with feeling
ugly and un-appealing…standing beside my
friends, I felt like the invisible girl.
It was like my own living version of Pinocchio…I
longed to be seen as a real girl…beautiful, like
a flower.
Looking back, I realize now that this is where
it all began. I was overweight throughout
school. I never expected a guy to be
interested in me.
I saw myself as un-attractive and
undesirable…the girl who slipped unnoticed
through those crowded halls, but who many times
cried in the bathroom stall when nobody was
around. I was lonely and desperate to be
recognized as a woman.
I longed for male approval.
I dreamed of someday having a guy look at me
with longing eyes, touch my cheek and drink me
in with his gaze, as he poured adoring words
over me. Oh how I wanted this…
Walking the Road Most Traveled
I continued to struggle with my low
self-worth…in fact it only grew worse and
I felt terrible about myself every time I felt
rejected by a guy or saw a pair of eyes scan me
with disapproval.
I began punishing myself for not being more…for
not being thinner, or prettier or more
Those thoughts that I allowed in my mind were
affecting how I saw myself.
The Whisper of Real Love…
One afternoon an amazing surprise came my way.
I was lying there on my bed, feeling cold and
numb inside for allowing myself to slip into the
black cloud yet again.
I gazed out my window and thought about what a
terrible person I was becoming, allowing myself
to fall once again into waves of my pathetic
That’s when I heard it - my name. My name echoed
through my mind like a sweet song. You know in
a the character has a slow-motion,
magical moment when they realize they're
okay?Well that was my moment.
It was simple, yet it vibrated my worth like a
refreshing vision within my mind.Realizing this
love changed a part of me.
It was a whisper of more that I would discover
about my worth, and it was fantastic!
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