Define the Unbelievable
The amazing thing is that every atom in your
body came from a star that exploded.
You are all stardust.
― Lawrence
M. Krauss
“Beyond the edge of the world there’s a
space where emptiness and substance neatly
where past and future form a continuous,
endless loop. And, hovering about,
there are signs no one has ever read, chords
no one has ever heard.”
― Haruki
One night, the
loud world was too much. I left the city,
driving for miles, soft tears dripped down my
hot skin as the thick darkness of the ocean's
dark tides engulfed my sight.
My life felt like
a loud blur, spinning about me forever like a
record snagged in play. What was this mad place
called reality; what was this cold planet I
called home?
Salt and breeze
filled my nostrils, blowing delicately against
my dress as I stepped out of my car.
WOW. Was all I
could whisper, as my eyes jotted upwards to the
cascading stars of the sky.
Something deep
within me compelled me to reach..reach high for
the diamonds glistening far from my touch.
I closed my eyes
as I stood there in the quiet; the ocean's waves
tumbling tenderly like a reliable song,
reminding me always of eternities grasp.
The wind seemed
to change some how, blowing bellows of softness
through my clothes and hair.
I opened my eyes
to step back within my car...but I was flying.
I gasped in awe
at the sight of cloud wisps passing by, the look
of the ground far below growing farther and
farther away as I flew.
I gazed back up
and all i could see were stars shining in
breathtaking magnitude my eyes had never seen.
I'm free. I
whispered, closing my eyes, holding out my arms
like a grounded angel heaven bound.
I looked down
once again to earth below and I grew silent,
watching gently the lights of it's cities
glistening just like the diamond star sky.
Home. My heart
whispered softly as my fingertips reached for
it's soft warmth and light.
My feet touched
the ground of sweet Rio, just as the pink sun
began to blush in the sky.
I could now
define the unbelievable things of my heart.
I was home.
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