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Defeat Work of Satan

Defeat work of Satan - RIDING INTO BATTLE

The Meaning behind the Paint

The most prevalent visual we have of the word battle is of course that of swords and shields, clanging together on some endless field, horses rearing as guns blast and canons blow.

It’s a great visual, but not many of us will actually visit a physical battle field in our lifetimes, to work out a grueling fight. 

Yet all of us fight violently on a battle front each and every day we live, there in the dark and mysterious fields of our minds.

Defeat Work of Satan - Feeling Alone

Defeat work of Satan - Cont.

I felt so alone, laying there in my bed one night.  The darkness of my room seemed to be invading down upon me in quick strides; everything I looked at had an ugly twisted side.  I was depressed.

My heart had temporarily lost its hope and my mind began its descent into the darkest of regions within my being.  I felt no purpose, I saw no light, I felt no grace…I was sightless; and the darkness was only caving in faster.

Suicide whispered to my mind visions of relief, of a quick and permanent end to my sufferings, to my purposelessness.  I closed my eyes for a moment, hoping I would somehow just drift away into some kind of beautiful light, leaving all my darkness behind me…but there I remained.

As I pictured what the world would look without me, I could see re-occurring images that those that knew me and loved me would cry.  For a moment this was comforting until God whispered the awaking truth…that I wouldn’t be there to see any of it…that I would be gone.

The battles of our hearts and our minds are some of the most powerful and epically fought grounds…because many times we fight them alone, out of reach of others care and in times when we feel the weakest.

But gather up your strength and you might and look into your battle front with an unshakable stare.  Ride in announcing your win and force yourself to sing out that hope still lives.

Win your battle by forced decision and kill the dark lies of your mind.  With God, you have everything you need to win the fight…

For you do have purpose here...even if you can't see it. To someone, to something, your existence is their world...and your heart is wrapped around God's little small small whisper...and he will come bolting through your dark doors. He died for you.

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