Between Lust for Love and Love 8
Chapter 8 - It's Just Sex?
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Every day people are faced with decisions of
where to place their hearts.
Our culture has strewn sex into something so
much less than what it can be. There are
many varied debates on why to give up our quest
for more.
Every day people cross the line and enter the
door way of the Gray House. Once they have
entered they feel they cannot leave. The man of
the shadows stays close by to help assist in
keeping them here…he shows them mirror images of
themselves on the walls, images of people that
are hopeless for lasting love.
They stay there with passionate feelings of
being wanted by somebody and being desired, even
if it’s just for a little while. The day
of heroic romance appears to be dead and gone.
The door feels locked.
The man in gray never stays far away. He
smirks as he walks towards the witness stand.
He catches your eye, letting you know he knows
all of your flaws. You shiver inside.
What if he exposes me…is all you can think.
Our Sex In The City World
Oh the longings for our one true love!
The one who will see us for who we really
are…who will love us even if we gain a few
pounds, who will respect us even though we have
fears in our lives. That knight inshining
armor who will hold us when it’s scary, who will
nurture us when we are sick; the one who will
climb a mountain or swim a sea to be by our
Oh how we want this! But where is he? Where are
the gallant ones who we search for? We start to
wonder if it is all indeed perhaps a fairytale
of a myth…a good story but an unreal
expectation. But see, that is the lie we don’t
have to believe anymore.
In our culture we have molded ourselves a very
illogical system. We flaunt our sexuality…we
pour it out like candy. We give no reason for
waiting for something good; we already freely
give it out. We sell it out to the people around
us that we are sexually appealing; that they
don’t need to wait to have a piece of the
pie…and sadly, they totally by-pass the person
who is holding it.
Sexuality is powerful and has become the staple
point of dating today. A shift must occur in how
we approach the valuable connections that we
make, but first, this shift can only be brought
within the battlefield of our own mind.
Love must begin within.
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