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Between Lust and Love 13d

Chapter 15 - Breath of Fresh Air

Copyright ©

A cop pulls up as people from diner race out to help. The commotion is thick and I lose sight of Ian, his gray jacket blending into the chaos around me.

The paramedics clean the slight cut on my throat as the police write down the details of the event. Ian has simply disappeared.

I spend the next several hours at the police station as they track down my stolen car, abandoned just outside of town. Finally night begins to fall and I leave for home, exhausted, thoughts of Ian still thick within my mind. 

Weeks past by and life has begun to resume to normal; well nearly normal.

Since my bazaar dream, frightening near kidnapping and the powerful flashback encounter from my youth, I had begin to look more deeply inside of myself than I ever have before.

Like a heroin just beginning to learn to use her powers, the realization of my incredible worth seems to be increasing by the day.  Degrading moments I had once tolerated I now boldly turned away, and standards I once let drag behind me now lead every footstep of my way.

I am a woman transformed, a new saga just beginning and it seems that nothing can pull me back again to the shadowy places I had once been.  

It's the middle of the afternoon and I am feeling blissfully lazy.  The winter chill outside is brisk and I cuddled against the cold in front of the glow of my television screen, a cup of cocoa in hand escorting me to new romantic levels of passion via the latest romance flick.  

All of my world seems to now sing as I dream of my own future romance saga taking place.  I close my eyes, breathing in a deep breath of satisfaction just as the doorbell sharply rings, startling me from my fantasy.

I jump up adorned with fuzzy socks and sweats and look cautiously through the peephole of my front door.  Covering my mouth to hide a short gasp of surprise, I gaze upon the face of my unexpected visitor.  It is my twisted in gray hero of the day, his sharp blue eyes fixed downwards upon his tightly clasped hands.


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