Stories About Adoption - Page 2
As summer set in
at over 100 degrees in Texas one day, I brought
our mail in and noticed that OM had sent the OM
Ships' brochure which comes out four times a
year. Usually I glance over the whole brochure
before I read it. This time something caught my
eye and hit me really hard. Within the brochure
they had an article about the orphan ministry
that one of the OM Ships had taken part in. I
didn't know that they (OM) were involved in
orphan ministry. They (the orphans) were all
dressed up in brand new overall and baseball
caps which had been donated to the orphanage.
They were beautiful children! Who were these
children I thought? Were they adoptable? I asked
my husband if I could email the OM Ships' office
in Germany and find out about these children. I
emailed them the next day and got a reply very
quickly, that I needed to get in touch with a
man who had been one of the Ships for ten years
and had worked with the orphan ministry. I
called and emailed him to get in touch with him
as soon as possible.
His answer was that the
children on the brochure were not adoptable
because of the sensitive situation in that
country, but if we were interested, we could
adopt from Ukraine. Well, I knew that we could
adopt from Ukraine, but we never had a
connection or "direction" from the Lord to go
there. I told my husband about the brochure and
asked what he thought.
We decided to tell our
daughter about the brochure and see what her
reaction would be, in regard to adopting an
older child instead of a baby. God had prepared
her heart. She was excited about adopting an
older sibling (not older than her), so she would
have someone to "play" with and that could talk
to her.
She had watched other friends of ours'
adopt babies and noticed that they were going to
have to wait a few years before they could
really "play together". "Yes I would really like
an older girl instead of a baby sister to play
with," was her final answer.
We never got a
"match" with the agency that we had signed up
with in Dallas and God "nudged us" further to
pursue an adoption in Ukraine.
After finishing
numerous items of paperwork, getting
fingerprinted (twice) and having a social worker
come and visit us, we were ready to go. It was
not an easy process by any means. I just
remember always asking people on the phone if
they could somehow "move" our envelope along so
that it would not sit in a pile and go unnoticed
for weeks or months!
One woman that I spoke with
said that it would be no problem to do that. She
went on to say that it was a good thing that I
spoke up, because they received over 150
envelopes a day (with official letters in them).
Unless I had said something, it would definitely
have gone unnoticed for a long time! We had a
six month deadline to meet.
Otherwise our
paperwork would expire and we would have to
start all over again with the "paperwork"
Before leaving
for Ukraine, we got an email from our
translator/facilitator in Kiev, saying that a
colleague's family had cancelled their
appointment with the Adoption Center in Kiev and
he asked if we would like to come in their
place? We were so excited and even though we
would only have one week to pack, it was not
even a question for us.
Our answer was yes! We
decided to wait a few days for their response
and confirmation to come before we would buy our
tickets to fly. They finally answered us, saying
that the family who were originally invited had
changed their minds again and were going to come
after all. Our hearts were broken.
We continued to
wait for our invitation from the Adoption Center
in Kiev. It finally came in our mail. In between
the "wait," the United States invaded Iraq.
Would that affect us in going?
Someone asked me
if we were still going to go even though we were
in the middle of a war? I thought and prayed
about it all and decided that unless they closed
the DFW airport in Texas, there was nothing that
was going to stop us from going. All three of us
boarded the plane to fly to Kiev.
(Continue to Chapter 4)
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