Stories About Adoption
Lindas' Story
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He Makes All Things New
Chapter 4
Stories About Adoption, Lindas' Story
After boarding the plane to Kiev our daughter
got a sore throat the night before we left and
developed a bad cough and fever, as we arrived
19 hours later! When we arrived in Kiev our
driver and translator were there at the airport
to meet us. They took us to the apartment where
we would be staying for a few days. The doorway
to the apartment had two doors on it, for
"security purposes." It was a nice apartment
decorated "Ukrainian style' with beautiful rugs
hanging on the walls. We were glad for the peace
and rest before going to our appointment at the
Adoption Center in Kiev.
The next day our driver drove us to Kiev (since
we were staying in the outskirts). After
climbing three flights of stairs at the Adoption
Center, we waited out in the hallway for our
name to be called with people from all over the
world, who were also there to adopt a Ukrainian
We had decided as a family that our daughter
would go on the trip as well, (since she was old
enough) and so that she could take part in
picking out her sister!
They called our names to come into the room for
our appointment. Little did we know, but we
would be sharing that "appointment room" with
three other families. The psychologist that was
interviewing us asked what age group we were
interested in? We said 3-5 years old and
preferably a girl. We were open to another age
group, as long as the girl was younger than our
daughter, (since she was the first-born and was
going to be the "big sister"). The Psychologist
"assured" our daughter that she would go home
with a sister! We had prepared her ahead of
time, that there were no guarantees of coming
home with a child from Ukraine and that we had
to trust God for what was up ahead. We were
originally told that we had forty-five minutes
to pick out a healthy little girl from the many
photo albums, which were stacked in an old
antique European wardrobe. With only forty-five
minutes to look in albums, each one of us took
an album at a time and flipped through them as
fast as we could showing each other the pictures
and going quickly over the information.
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