Stories About Adoption - Page 2
spent many hours walking up and down stairs in
the hospital with the birth mother. We arrived
at 7 a.m. and the baby was not born until 12
hours later. That time with the birth mother was
invaluable and can never be replaced. It turned
out to be a beautiful experience and we were
very glad that we got to know the birth mother.
She delivered a baby girl.
came out black and blue because she had the
umbilical cord around her neck two times as well
as around her shoulder. I didn't really
understand all that was happening at the time,
when the nurses rushed her off to where they
could help her breathe better, etc. but God was
watching over the whole situation and the baby
was "kept safe". We all got to hold her and
think about what God was "doing"....
took our daughter home (we were staying in a
small apartment on the property of OM's USA
office) just 24 hours after she was born.
Shortly after we got there, we got a call from
our friend, who said that the birth mother
wanted to hold the baby and say goodbye to her
again. Before we drove back to the hospital, I
called the birth mother on the phone (with tears
in my eyes), and told her that she could keep
the baby because it was still "her baby".
I did not want her
to feel pressured in any way by us and knew that
the Lord had showed me to go ahead and say that
to her. I wanted to make sure that it was truly
God's will and that my heart was right before
God. I did not want her to feel like she had to
do this adoption even though she might not want
to. The birth mother thanked me, but she knew
that it was the best thing for her baby to be
adopted and she wanted her baby to have a
"daddy" (father). I thanked her for wanting to
do God's will. We took the baby back home and
began our "new journey" as parents.
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