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Stories About Adoption
Lindas' Story
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He Makes All Things New
Chapter 3

Stories About Adoption, Lindas' Story

My personal Journey through infertility and adoption.

"He hath made everything beautiful in his time" (Eccl. 3:11).


What "fruits" came out of the "chapter" (our lives), of going through infertility and doing a private adoption?

1) The birth mother came to know the Lord as her personal Savior (through our friends that walked her through the adoption), before the baby was born.

2) Our newly adopted daughter was given life and a family to love her and raise her to walk in the ways of the Lord.

3) My husband learned to trust God in the most "inconvenient times". He ended up with a beautiful little girl who looks just like him!

4) I learned to trust God and accept His plan, not mine in all things. My plan was to have a baby and God's plan was to give us a baby through adoption for His own reasons and for His glory. I learned to share my pain with other women and encourage them to not give up on God, themselves and their husbands while going through the painful journey of infertility.

5) The Lord led me to start a support group in Dallas through our church. We decided to name the group "In His Time," taken from Ecclesiastes 3:11: "He hath made everything beautiful in its time". I continually sat next to women (during women's ministries, a weekly meeting held at church), who were either going through infertility or who were about ready to adopt.

I was so "lonely" in Austria, because I only knew one other woman who was going through infertility and she lived 45 minutes away from us. Besides that, she only spoke German with a Swiss German accent (she was from Switzerland), which was hard for me to understand and especially try to talk with her about infertility! It was only natural for me to ask other women (going through infertility), if they wanted to get together once a week, for one hour (in a small group setting at the church we were attending), to share and pray for each other's situations. We didn't have to "explain ourselves" to each other and it was very clear that being part of a support group was a big encouragement to all of the women who attended. I am so thankful for what God did in my own life through the lives of may women, who attended the group in the 7-8 years that I was able to lead and co-lead the "In His Time" support group, in a number of churches in Texas.

6) I learned most of all to wait on God for His timing, cry out to God every day for His will (not mine), and to love the Lord and what He had to say to me, by trying to read the Bible every day. Without reading the Word of God and having others to pray for me, I am not sure where I would be and what kind of decisions I would have ended up making.

We do not know all of the reasons of why God wanted our daughter to be in our family, but we know for certain that she is where God wants her to be.

He has made all things beautiful "In His Time".

To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame...Ps. 25:1-3

When our oldest daughter turned four years old it hit me personally (very hard) that we were raising an only child. Would she ever have a brother or sister? Did the Lord want us to adopt again?

We had talked and prayed with her about the possibility of adopting a baby brother or sister and she was thrilled! We found out about a Christian Adoption Agency which we were very excited about. At that time our daughter was in Kindergarten in a private Christian School. Almost every day she would come home and ask me if we got "the call" from the Agency saying that there was a baby for us. That year she watched the family of one of her best friends (in her kindergarten lass) adopt a baby sister from Russia. When that happened, she knew that she was the only child "left" in her class who did not have a baby brother or sister. It was very painful to have that "set in" even though we were so excited to meet this little girl from Russia. When would God answer our daughter's prayers? When the last day of school came, I remember her getting in our van and asking, "did we get the call"? I said no and then my heart sank. I realized that she had hoped to tell her class before school was out that God had given her a brother or sister. I told her to not give up. God had not forgotten about her. We will keep praying and see what God does.

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