Stories about Adoption - Page 2
About that time I read one of Joni Eareckson
Tada's books. She became a quadriplegic as a
result of a diving accident she had, when she
was 17 years old. I came to the conclusion that
all of her pain was not for nothing! God led her
through that accident and all her pain, to
direct her on a "path" which she would have
never chosen for herself. Because of that
"accident", she has touched people's lives all
over the world.
husband and I decided that we would get off the
medical track and start pursuing adoption. Some
of our friends which lived in Texas had adopted
two boys, and were very supportive to us. The
sent us a couple of books on how to do a private
adoption. We decided to take an investigative
trip back to the States for a couple of months,
hoping that we could possibly adopt a baby
during the time we were in the USA. We wrote a
letter describing ourselves to give to a birth
mother and sent it out to all of our prayers
partners, which numbered over 200 at that time.
We also talked to some adoption agencies. We
soon Discovered that things might not be as
simple as we thought. All the agencies told us
we had to reside in a particular state in the
United States for at least six months before we
could be eligible to adopt.
met with one of our pastors to talk about our
situation. He acknowledged that God can always
work a miracle, but more often chooses to work
in a way that is less spectacular. He advised us
that, because of our age, we needed to do right
away whatever it took, to make adoptions a
realistic possibility. He said that we did not
want to wake up in our fifties, without a child
and realize we could have had one 15 years ago,
for the same amount that it would have cost us
to purchase a car!
Shortly before our time was up and we came back
to Austria, we found a list of thirty six
adoption agencies that were willing to work with
Americans who were living overseas. We wrote to
all of them. Some of them wrote back. Most of
them did not. We found only two agencies that we
were interested in working with. After a couple
of months back in Austria, we concluded that it
was not going to work out for us to stay in
Austria and adopt from there. God was leading us
to go back to the States and live.
I mentioned earlier, much of my entire ministry
was working with other people's children and I
just couldn't take it any longer. If I stopped
all of my ministry that involved children, there
wasn't much left for me to do. It was difficult
for those who had not experienced infertility to
understand it. We were working with a small
church consisting mostly of young families with
very young children. It was a very painful
decision. We spent the next three months saying
goodbye to all of our friends in Austria and
then headed home (USA), to live in Texas.
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