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(Return from Chapter 2 to Inspirational Writings and Poetry)

Stories About Adoption
Lindas' Story
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He Makes All Things New
Chapter 2

Stories About Adoption, Lindas's Story

My Personal Journey through infertility and adoption.

"He hath made everything beautiful in his time" (Eccl. 3:11).

We came home from Austria (after being missionaries with Operation Mobilization for four years) in July 1994. Just six weeks later, in September 1994, we got a call from friends in Atlanta, Georgia, who had received our "Dear Birth Mother" letter we had sent over six months earlier. They personally knew a birth mother who was open to placing her baby up for adoption. God confirmed that we made the right decision to come home and that we should just keep trusting Him.

At this point in or lives we were re-entering into our own culture again, my husband was working on continuing education as an attorney, we were living in our church's missions house, my husband was looking for a job, (after having been out of his field for seven years), and our financial support started to decline since we came back. It seemed like the "worst" possible timing, humanly speaking, to adopt a baby. I knew we were facing many "impossibilities", but we knew God had clearly led us home to adopt.

We sent the birth mother a short letter to tell her a little bit about us. I asked my husband if the birth mother chose us to be the parents of her baby, could we just go ahead and trust God for the rest, i.e., the finances, etc.)? He said to me; "you realize that this is the worst time for us to adopt a baby, don't you?" I agreed, but I also knew that we do not get calls like that every day! He agreed and said; "let's do it".

The birth mother decided she wanted us to be the parents of her baby. God confirmed again that we should trust Him and follow His leading. The next question was, how were we going to pay for this baby (after returning from the mission field (Austria), and being supported financially by our churches, friends and family? Our attorney in Texas told us that we might try to get the birth mother to apply for Medicaid. That way, the medical expenses for the baby's birth would be fully covered! Our friend in Atlanta, Georgia (the wife) who knew the birth mother, went with her to apply for Medicaid and within time it was approved. The baby was fully covered and we did not end up paying one cent for the medical expenses (birth of the baby). Once again God was faithful and we continued to trust Him for the next step.

We were living in Texas and wanted to arrive in Georgia at least several days before the baby's due date. An ice storm was predicted in the next day or two, so we left several days early in order to avoid it. When we arrived, our friends (who were walking the birth mother through the adoption process), told us that the birth mother decided (since we were in Georgia "early"), that it would be nice to meet me (the wife).

We arranged to meet at Burger King with our friend and the birth mother (very casual) and get to know each other a little bit. After that visit she invited me and my husband to be present at the birth. I hadn't planned any of this (meeting her and being present at the birth)! Should we go? Of course! Why else had God brought us to Georgia so early? It was all part of "God's plan".

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