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Stories About Adoption
Lindas' Story
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He Makes All Things New
Chapter 1


Stories About Adoption, Linda's Story 

My Personal Journey through Infertility and Adoption "He hath made everything beautiful in his time". Eccl.3:11

I grew up in Southern California in the Los Angeles area. I was brought up in a large family. I have four brothers and one sister.

After attending San Diego State University and majoring in Child Development, (with an emphasis in music), my desire after graduation was to go overseas and serve the Lord in Missions.

I joined Operation Mobilization (OM), which is an international Christian Missions organization. I went for one summer to Austria (to do street evangelism through music) and ended up staying 14 years with OM! God has used OM in my life, in many ways throughout "my story".

Since Austria had an emphasis in music and I love to sing, I had the opportunity to be in several music groups, lead a band myself (team leader), and organize concerts in Austria and in other countries for those that came for one summer or year program at that time. One of the musicians that I interviewed (out of hundreds of interviews), ended up being my "future husband".

We got married in 1988 and worked for Operation Mobilization in the US office in Georgia for one year. During that time, we decided that I would go on birth control pills so that I would not get pregnant right away! Little did I know at the time, I would never be able to get pregnant. We longed to be back in Austria with OM and ended up going back for four and a half years. God used my time in Austria to teach me many "hard" lessons regarding infertility.

Since I grew up in a large family and had a lot of fun being second to the youngest in a fun filled noise and action atmosphere, I always wanted to have a lot of children. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to not be part of a large family, since my cousins also had five children in their family. My brothers and sister and I were all very close in age (10 1/2 -11 months apart), and my mom had four children in diapers at the same time. I never thought that I would have "the problem" of getting pregnant. I just kept "believing" that I would get pregnant.

After more than five years of infertility, I had reached my "limit" of tests etc. I also know that I could no longer continue with the responsibilities that were "expected" of me as a missionary and living in a foreign culture (teaching kids clubs, Sunday School during church, and teaching English as a second language to children through music, etc.). I had hit rock bottom! I needed to finally deal with the issue of not being able to get pregnant since (as one of our pastors put it), we were not spring chickens any longer! I was 38 years old at the time.

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