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Tiny Houses normally are built very similar to
that of a one room studio apartment. They
mainly contain a small living area, a kitchen, a
bathroom and a bedroom loft built over-top.
Tiny Houses have been creatively inspired into
many cleverly different forms. For those
who prefer to live life on the open road and
take their comfort with them, a tiny house is
constructed on a trailer frame ranging in size
from 12 feet long and up.
Others who prefer to keep themselves in one
place build their tiny, one room beauty, on the
Why Not Just
get a Trailer?
A Tiny House trumps a typical trailer with its
lifetime lasting, solidly built frame as well as
its home styled format. Click Here for
more on why Tiny Houses rule supreme...HERE
How do I get
a Tiny House?
Build your own – Countless individuals with no
experience whatsoever with home construction
have successfully and profoundly built their
very own, customized tiny house.
Others prefer to put the money down and buy one
up front. Here is
a wonderful site
brimming with more tiny houses than your heart
could dream of…and all for sale, ready to be
lived in.
Here are some companies which assist in both
building your own tiny abode or simply buying
one made and ready to go!
Tiny home living may not be for everyone, but
countless individuals who have taken the plunge
into this new and simple life find it to be
extraordinary and wonderful.
Even those leery downsizing their possessions
and space in general were quite frankly amazed
at the stress and complications of life that
were decreased by doing so. They loved it.