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Portable log homes

The Tiny House

“A Tiny House?  Exactly how “tiny” are we talking about?”

You might be asking.  Well…20 square feet is the approximate average space. 

“Twenty square feet!  Is that even possible?”

Yup…it is possible, and many have jumped right on board, blissfully, and enjoying this existence in their own sweet little abode most commonly known as, well…a Tiny House.  

The Tiny House Movement, or so it has been labeled, really began to take off at the time of the Katrina disaster in 2005.

Miniature shelters in the shapes of “tiny houses” were developed to provide instant and comfortable living for those uprooted and homeless due to the displacing natural disastrous touch of storm Katrina.

Surprisingly, these intended temporary shelters really began to grow on their inhibitors in a long term sort of way and many decided living small and simple was a wonderful new and refreshing life to lead.

Though Tiny Houses can be bought pre-made, many creative individuals have pulled off astonishingly cheap designs of their own with the use of recycled and free materials found from friends, companies and even Craigslist.

Though Tiny Houses do require dramatic downsizing of personal possessions as well as space, stress and financial burdens are downsized right along with everything else, making for an attractive possibility to many.

Let’s not forget also the amazing power of being self-sustained.  Many Tiny Home owners free themselves from utility bills by harnessing the power of solar panels and use their own personal water and propane tanks to cook and enjoy hot showers.

For toilets, many go green by using composting toilets which effectively transforms your dirty business into…well, odorless, garden friendly dirt.

Hmmm…still on the fence?  Wait till you see the incredible warm and creative designs some have created…but be warned, your heart just may be inexplicably won over for the small life.

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