Overcoming Frustrations
Myself In Lonely Paradise
Driving on
the interstate, trying to hold back the tears,
telling myself, “I can do this, I’ll be just
fine” was tough to believe. I just left my
husband at the airport for a 6-month deployment.
It was his first deployment. It was mine as
well, as a wife. This was 5 years ago but I
still remember that day in December. It was a
week before Christmas. Looking back at it now, I
have grown in every way and it became one of the
best experiences I could ever receive. I have
always believed that you could take lifes worst
moments and turn it into something positive if
you allow yourself to. It’s one of the most
difficult concepts to learn in life. Sure, a
deployment may not sound so bad as some other
life “circumstance” but at the time it meant
being alone for your first Christmas together
without family and friends and “stuck” in
At the time
we were stationed in Hawaii. Absolutely loved it
but felt lonely without the love of your life
being by your side. The first deployment was the
hardest. He deployed 8 months after we moved to
Hawaii. I felt like we were just getting settled
in and he had to leave. I was working a
full-time job so I was thankful it took much of
my free time but once I arrived at home that is
when it would hit me, that I was alone. I would
turn on the television just to feel like I
wasn’t alone. Keeping your cell on you at all
times is what I believe all military spouses do.
It becomes your lifeline. Sometimes it’s the
only way to listen to their voice. You quickly
realize e-mails can cover up what is truly
happening overseas. Only the sound of their
voice can assure you if everything is ok or if
they are upset, hurt, or depressed. My cell
phone became a part of me, I despised it. I had
to make sure I had it on me at all times. If I
missed his call, I could not call him back. You
learn to wait for the next call, whenever that
would be. Waiting for his call, waiting to hear
any news, waiting for his return, you learn to
have patience.

The first
couple of weeks, I moped, cried, got angry, and
frustrated. Throw in being confused as well.
Being new in the military world is very
baffling. Learning ranks, job titles, the
culture, the rules, the list goes on and on. It
was a time to just let go. Knowing myself, it
was a must for me. If not, I would carry these
feeling throughout the entire deployment and
that is no way to live for half a year. For that
Christmas, I spent time alone on the beach. I
needed to be alone. Thoughts of how my husband
was doing would race through my head. After
those couple of weeks were over, I told myself
to pick myself up and move on. I believed I
could learn many things while my husband was
gone and I sure did! You take advantage of the
time apart to really get to know yourself. Since
at the time we didn’t have children, it was
easier for me to get things finished. My first
“accomplishment” was to make our temporary home
our own. I decorated and finished painting
rooms. It was just the way I wanted it, it
became our home. Wondering what to do next, I
looked online for sewing classes. I always
wanted to learn how to sew and this was my
chance. I sewed some curtains and pillows,
started very basic. Afterwards, I was able to
volunteer for an organization that sewed quilts
for children who currently had a deployed
parent. One memory I have is of a 4 year old who
looked at the quilt I finished, it was a quilt
for her with a picture of her daddy printed on
it. She pointed at the picture and yelled,
“Daddy!” She then looked at me and told me she
missed him. I shed a few tears and so did her
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