Overcoming frustrations - Page 2
the meantime of sewing like crazy - for the
first time - I went to the gym! On base it was
only $5 an hour for a personal trainer. I went
twice a week. At first, it was awful. I was so
weak and it was frustrating (and embarrassing)
to lift light weights and do “girly” push ups.
For cardio, I started to walk my dog then I
began to lightly jog. Kickboxing was my newfound
passion. It not only burned calories but also
helped with toning. By the time my husband
returned, we were able to jog together. I still
remember waking up at 5am to jog before work and
seeing the Hawaiian sunrise. Very thankful I
didn’t sleep in at those times!
There is a saying in the military world that
once a spouse deploys, everything will go wrong
at one time. I found first-hand that is the
truth! Perhaps it’s because you realize how much
your spouse’s company helps in certain
situations or that only your spouse could fix
it. During the deployment, my car broke down 4
times! At first it was overheating, then later
the tire blew, then the battery died, and it
ended with overheating again. Having roadside
assistance while the husband is deployed was a
priority for me. I don’t know much about cars.
All I knew was how to check the battery, the
oil, and water. Changing a tire and an oil
change my husband taught me before he left but I
was too much of a wuss to actually do it on my
own. I had wonderful neighbors to help me out.
However, after the 4th time of the car not
working, I had it! I ended up using my husband’s
truck until he came home. It is amazing how my
car never caused any problems when my husband
was home. It had a mind of it’s own.
During the 6 months, I tried to make everyday
count. Some days I would just relax on the
beach, other days I would work hard on a care
package for my husband. I also made great
friends, some would move as soon as I got to
know them; then some others were able to stay
longer. In the beginning I tried hard not to
explore Hawaii. I did not want my husband to
feel left out nor did I want to feel guilty
being able to explore without him. However, I
compromised and certain fun activities I told
him I would not do until he returned ~ that way
we could enjoy it for the first time together. I
snorkeled, parasailed, and hiked while he was
gone. It worked out wonderfully because I was
able to show him the best hiking spots or the
best beaches to snorkel in. Some people
stationed in Hawaii will tell you they despise
Hawaii. They feel stuck with nowhere to go. You
make it what it is. I say enjoy anywhere you
feel trapped in. Life is too short to not enjoy
your surroundings. You may just find hidden
Towards the end of the deployment, I was
thankful for the 6 months I had. You learn to
appreciate your spouse, friends, neighbors,
family, and even co-workers much more. A support
system is a must, in or out of the military. We
were not put on this earth to be alone. We were
made for connections, company, and
communication. I truly miss Hawaii, not only for
the natural beauty, but it is where I found
myself. I learned to trust myself, to improve
myself constantly, to help others. To this day,
I have made friends there that will last a
lifetime. For all this I am truly grateful.
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