Online Fiction
Sandy Blue
Night of Mexico
The sandy
blue waters wrapped endlessly around the old
canal. The night was cold and damp, yet
the crisp starlight over-head gleamed through
its dreariness bringing freckles of hope to the
face of the night. Her feet walked
silently through the shallow waters of the bank,
her toes sinking deeply into the flesh of the
rivers bed. A light shot from the
distance, shocking her for a moment. She
stood still in the dark, breathing quickly like
a deer escaping chase.
The silk of
her dress sapped up the water, cold and clinging
to her shivering legs as she walked on; could
this be her night before her dawn? Her
thoughts grew thick with hope as she crept
across the river banks. The lights of the
city shined into her longing eyes; they sang the
song of a tomorrow that finally would come.
“Isabella” Came a soft voice. She stopped,
startled. Was it the wind? She
looked around, squinting to somehow see through
the darkness. “Who is there?” She
walked slowly forward, her eyes peering quickly
in each direction as she went. “Isabella,
it’s me…it’s Jorge.” “Jorge!” She
whispered back in a harsh whisper. She
looked and saw him standing only feet ahead.
“What are you doing out here?” She
demanded, her voice hushed against the piercing
silence of the night.
He came to
her and wrapped his arms around her. “They
told me, but I didn’t believe them!” He
laughed. “Why do you do this? Why do
you go out this way telling no one?”
Isabella straightened defiantly from his
embrace. “Because I can…and because I want
to!” She flung her words into the wind and
continued steadfast onward, not caring if he
remained or followed.
“Isabella!” called the boy, frantically
following after her. Isabella flung
sternly around, shocking him. “Quiet, boy!
Don’t you know the danger we are in?” The
boy shrugged. “No, I do not. Why are
you traveling to the city at night Isabella?
Is someone trying to take your life?”
Isabella dropped her head, looking down for
patience, as she propped her hands on each side
of her hips. “Listen, no, no one is trying
to kill me, Jorge.” She shook her head.
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