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Examples of fiction stories

Examples of fiction stories

Sandy Blue Mexico

Page 2

“There is a man in our village who wanted to marry me.”  The boys’ face lit up and then frowned again in confusion.  “Don’t you want to marry him, so he can take care of you?”  Isabella breathed out in frustration.  “No!  I don’t want him.  He’s ugly, he’s old.  But he will not leave me alone so then will start my own life, there, in the city!”  She pointed to the horizon where the lights gleamed brightly.  “There is my future.  That is where I will live my new life!”


Examples of fiction stories - continue into the Sandy Blue

Jorge quickly scratched his head.  “What will you do in the city?  You don’t know how to do anything.  Where will you live?”  Isabella waved her hands in the air  “Ahgh, Jorge, I will get a job in a shop selling all of the beautiful clothes I have never been able to afford!  And I will make money and by them for myself!  I will rent a room and I will be much happier than in that small village!”  She pointed in the other direction with indignation.


Jorge laughed, holding his stomach and buckling over.  “What is so funny?  I tell you my life and you laugh?”  Jorge grinned.  “You met a man…you love a man in the city!”  Isabella made a guttural noise of disapproval and continued walking without him.  “You are too young to know these things, small boy!”  The Jorge followed after her.


“I am not a small boy!  I am a man, I am 13 today!”  Isabella stopped and shook his hand.  “I wish you many blessed years.”  She dropped his hand quickly and continued walking.  “But until you are 18, you are just a boy.”


Jorge continued following after her.  “Ahgh!  Dejar de seguirme!”  She yelled, exasperated.  The boy looked at her with frustration in his eyes.  “Let me go with you, I can protect you!”  “Jorge!” she answered shortly, I don’t need your protection…and I think you would not fight but run from danger.”  Jorge stood in front of her, sternly stating his truth.  “I would not run, I would fight!”  Isabella looked into his eyes, finally calming her voice.  “Okay, Jorge, you can come and be my protector.  I know your parents have been dead for some time now.  You can come and start a new life with me, and keep me safe.” 

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