Living out the Dream
Sarahs' Story
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Living out the Dream
I took French in high school. I would have
taken Spanish, but my mom had always wanted to
learn French, and since she was my teacher (I
was home schooled.), she suggested that we order
the French curriculum and learn together.
Little did I know that this one decision would
play such a huge role in my life many years
I enjoyed learning French, and decided to
continue taking classes in college. My
professor knew five languages, but French seemed
to be the one he was most excited about.
He had spent time living in France, and
repeatedly encouraged his students to do the
same. Once a week, there was a “French
Table” in the college dining room, where anyone
could sit down with their tray and be involved
in French conversation while they ate lunch.
Whenever I sat with the “French crowd,” I mostly
just listened. Although I was never very
conversational, my teacher encouraged me by
saying that I had a really good accent. I
think it was his encouragement and contagious
enthusiasm that started me dreaming about moving
to France myself one day. I started
telling people that I was hoping to do just that
– to move someplace where I could be immersed in
the language and become more fluent in French.
After college I got a job working as an
administrative assistant for an international
mission organization. The office
environment was very supportive; I learned a lot
and really enjoyed being around people from so
many different countries. Once in a while,
we had a visitor come through who worked in a
French-speaking country, and this was especially
interesting for me.
Four years went by. One night I was
talking to one of my co-workers, who had also
become a good friend. I was talking about
the same thing I’d been talking about for years,
that I wanted to move to a French-speaking
country where I could immerse myself in the
language. It had become a line that I
repeated over and over again. Sure, it was
a dream of mine, but it was a dream that I kept
in the back of my mind along with, “Someday I’d
like to take dancing lessons and become a
beautiful dancer.” and “Someday I’d like to take
voice lessons and become an accomplished
singer.” They were all dreams that I’d
pursued to some extent, but never fully
realized. That night, however, as my
friend and I were talking, she said a few simple
words that brought my dream of French fluency
out from the back of my mind. Her sentence
was something to the effect of, “You know, you
could actually do what you’ve been talking about
doing.” Sometimes all it takes is a little
confident push. I knew she was right.
So, I started researching ways that I could
realize this dream I’d been talking about for so
long. Now I must admit, I can be quite the
procrastinator, so you could say it was because
of that, or you could say it was simply not the
right timing, but whatever the case, two more
years went by before something finally happened,
and when it did, it was thanks to a friend of a
friend of a friend.
There are a number of ways one can legally move
to another country. Some colleges offer
exchange programs, and a student can attend an
overseas university for a semester. There
are also internship opportunities to be had.
Those options didn’t work for me since I had
already been out of college for a few years.
Then there are the organizations that will place
you into some kind of program in a foreign
country, but those organizations don’t work for
free, and after room and board are included in
the cost, it can become quite expensive.
Seeing as how I didn’t have any money, that was
also a no-go. I decided to send out an
email to all my co-workers. Because I
worked for an international organization, my
hope was that someone would have a lead I could
follow up on. Low and behold, that’s
exactly what happened! One response I
received was an email from the administrator of
a small international Bible school located about
20 minutes from central Paris. There was
one position available as a volunteer at the
school. I would work for 20 hours a week
in exchange for room and board, as well as the
opportunity to take a few classes. There
was one thing, however, that I would need in
order to be a legal long-term visitor in France,
and that was a student visa. Now, while it
is true that a student visa is probably one of
the easier visas to acquire, there was one small
catch. The French government wanted proof
that I was financially independent and wouldn’t
be taking advantage of their welfare system, so
to get a student visa, I had to have $800 in my
bank account for every month I would be staying
in the country. Since I wanted to stay for
10 months, that equaled out to a total of
$8,000. As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t
have any money, and I was rather at a loss
thinking of someone I could borrow that much
cash from.
I made plans to visit the school. Now you
may be wondering how I could afford a plane
ticket to Paris when I didn’t have any money.
Well, that’s another story I won’t go into now,
but I did have a plane ticket that I needed to
use, so a few weeks after receiving that first
email, I flew to Paris and found my way to the
Bible school.

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