Living out the dream - Page 2
There are a number of ways one can legally move
to another country. Some colleges offer exchange
programs, and a student can attend an overseas
university for a semester. There are also
internship opportunities to be had. Those
options didn’t work for me since I had already
been out of college for a few years. Then there
are the organizations that will place you into
some kind of program in a foreign country, but
those organizations don’t work for free, and
after room and board are included in the cost,
it can become quite expensive. Seeing as how I
didn’t have any money, that was also a no-go. I
decided to send out an email to all my
co-workers. Because I worked for an
international organization, my hope was that
someone would have a lead I could follow up on.
Low and behold, that’s exactly what happened!
One response I received was an email from the
administrator of a small international Bible
school located about 20 minutes from central
Paris. There was one position available as a
volunteer at the school. I would work for 20
hours a week in exchange for room and board, as
well as the opportunity to take a few classes.
There was one thing, however, that I would need
in order to be a legal long-term visitor in
France, and that was a student visa. Now, while
it is true that a student visa is probably one
of the easier visas to acquire, there was one
small catch. The French government wanted proof
that I was financially independent and wouldn’t
be taking advantage of their welfare system, so
to get a student visa, I had to have $800 in my
bank account for every month I would be staying
in the country. Since I wanted to stay for 10
months, that equaled out to a total of $8,000.
As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t have any money,
and I was rather at a loss thinking of someone I
could borrow that much cash from.
made plans to visit the school. Now you may be
wondering how I could afford a plane ticket to
Paris when I didn’t have any money. Well, that’s
another story I won’t go into now, but I did
have a plane ticket that I needed to use, so a
few weeks after receiving that first email, I
flew to Paris and found my way to the Bible
was nothing glamorous, that’s for sure. The
school campus was made up of three old buildings
– most likely part of an old estate, a small
gravel parking lot, and a back yard. I really
must emphasize the words “old” and “outdated.”
While on one level the school was charming, many
things were broken, falling apart, and in need
of fresh painting. I still remember walking into
the ladies’ dormitory hall for the first time.
To the right of the bedrooms was a common dining
area, and on the kitchen table was a large
plastic yellow sunflower tablecloth straight
from the 70’s. The hall was basic and drab,
although some had attempted to make the place
cheerier by tacking magazine pictures of
chocolate delicacies to the kitchen walls. Right
next to the kitchen were the two showers and one
toilet that the girls all shared. I guess you
can imagine that it was a bit to get used to,
but that night, as I lay on the top bunk in one
of the school’s many shared bedrooms, I was the
most excited I’d been in a long time. It was
really happening. My dream of living in France
was coming to pass.
few months later, I boarded a plane and made my
way back to Paris (Yes, I was able to borrow the
$8,000 from someone. That’s a story in and of
itself.). There are a lot of other stories I
could tell about my ten-month adventure, about
the transitions I went through, the way my
French improved, bit by bit, making me realize a
love for languages. I met a lot of wonderfully
caring people and made some really good friends.
Most of all, though, the thing that stands out
in my mind is that one of my dreams actually
became a reality, and when it did, it changed my
life. I was the person who always talked about
doing something, but never did it. Now I dare to
hope that even more of my dreams can come true.
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