Between Lust for Love and Love 9a
The courtroom is
quiet; the listeners watch eagerly. The Judge
“And have you
yourself known Enmity?” The witness replies
immediately to the judges questioning. “Well, yes
of course I have…again who hasn’t? Your honor, is
this really necessary? Aren’t these questions
already obvious enough?”
The judge furls his
eyebrows and adjusts his glasses. “Young lady it
would please the court if you would answer the
questions addressed to you as sworn under oath.”
The girl looks on with a leery expression.
The Judge nods, ruffles his notes through and
continues. “I have a direct quote from you
stating you believe associating with Enmity is
harmless…do you still hold to this opinion?”
The room waits in quiet anticipation for the girl’s reply.
“Of course I do. I haven’t seen any real harm in
the matter. As far as what I can tell, it
seems perfectly harmless to know Enmity.” The
Judge nods. “There have been reports of troubles
in these harmless associations,
would you agree?”
The girl shifts in her seat, and contemplates
the question while lightly tapping her fingers
on the desk. “Well yes, the people who are not
strong enough to handle it, yes there have been
some situations that come from it.” The Judge
raises his eyebrows. “Oh, such as?” The room
awaits the witnesses answer. “You know just some
insecure behavior. That’s the only way I know
how to explain it.”
The Judge continues. “But nothing in your
personal opinion to be particularly worried
over?” The girl answers with a practiced box
answer. “Nothing I've ever been worried
about. From how I see it if people can’t handle
Enmity it just shows they need to grow a
backbone and toughen up.” The audience reacts to
this statement in murmurs of debate. The Judge
nods and has concluded his questioning.
It seems Enmity is
winning once again.
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