Woman of Destiny
To Taste Life
Woman of
Destiny, To Taste Life
It’s night.
The television
remains on in the background of my scene, mute,
its colors whirling before my unfocused gaze.
Though life is full of its never ending ups and
downs and though it throws its lessons of wisdom
through my ears now and then, it is now that I
sit, still, quiet, contemplating…wondering
deeply about the things to come.
I stand at the
chasm of my mind, as if deciding a moment so
epic it will affect my entire life from here
Maybe you find,
as I do, that all
life is a blur of color, twirling, diving and
throwing itself in strange unforeseen shapes,
sometimes making us sick with confusion and
other times thrilling us beyond what we could
ever understand. All of the same, don’t
you agree, all life is a blur, speeding so
quickly by us it’s hard to remember the color
and smell of each and every memory.
What is it that
we all long to find down here? What is it
that we chase? We are driven forth in our
existence, propelling us to continue to breathe
even through our darkest of days. All life
is like a string of diamonds, seamlessly moving,
almost invisibly like a. It can feel so
predictable, plain even, until a rich moment
fills our lives, like small diamonds in our
path. Priceless memories, un-measurable
and unexpected which cause us to lift mountains
to live one more day like it.
So here I sit,
showered and clean, my hair hanging wet and
tangled, my face calm, soft, longing…my eyes
hinting showers of pain, wisdom…strength; my
mind sitting calmly like a child who has just
grown up. A diamond is forming in my
Can we, in life,
choose to continue to hope and dream? Can
we weather all wars and fight those inner
battles unseen…and still believe in peace?
Can we dance through our storms; can we sing
through our broken hearts? Can we lose one
dear and near…and continue to breathe?
Yes, I think so.
It is night and I
sit hear quietly writing out these thoughts
inside of my mind. I wonder what future my
life will hold. I question if I will ever
find its key. All of my life I have been
like a wondering child, longing to find her way.
Today I am a woman, understanding the power I
hold in my hands. Today I stand tall,
today I am brave, today I will fan the hope in
my heart. Tomorrow I will seize the day.
We must seize the
days that we live, we must always find new ways
to fly, to thrive. If your car dies, tame
a horse to ride. If your horse leaves you
catch a bird and fly. We are our greatest
enemies, but we are also our greatest hope, for
it we who will choose to take one more step even
after our greatest fall.
In our hearts…in
our minds lay our destinies. It is those
that refuse to fail that will succeed. It
is those that try a 1000 times that will finally
fly. We will fall, but we must climb,
tapping continually into all that we can
be...reaching hights we thought were only
I stand at a
grand chasm called my life. Boldly I look
at the road before, boldly I will go. It
has been a long journey thus far, drinking many
fearful tears.
But now, in this
day, in this moment, I stand, grown, weathered
but strong, and I
…will live.
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