What is Lust -
Baby don't Hurt Me 2
Stirring Coffee and Dark Memory
“My boyfriend left me two nights ago. He
just…left. I really kind of hate men right now,
I’m sorry. It’s just, he really broke my heart.”
He sat for a moment, listening and then paused
in the silence following. “Hmmm…well if I may be
direct, it sounds like he didn’t seem to value
you. Are you used to not being valued”
Tears filled my eyes at his words. I felt
dumbfounded and looked down. In my mind my
thoughts began to whirl. ‘He’s right, no one
values me. I’m so pitiful; look at me. Why would
they?’ He made a guttural sound, calling my
attention back to his cool gaze. Then he spoke,
his voice low and smooth, gentle yet direct.
“I can help you feel better, if you’d like. I
can give you what you feel you
His eyes were cool and confident as they looked
back and forth across my face. I stuttered. “But
I don’t know you.” He smiled and put his hand on
my arm. “You don’t want to be all alone, do you?
What other option do you have than to go with me
tonight?” I looked down.
A memory flashed of my ex-love and sent sadness
pelting through my heart. My eyes squinted with
pain as I remembered the way he had held my arm,
sheltering me, watching over me, abandoning me.
The man in gray came once again into my mind.
Like a numbing dart, the memory washed away my
pain as I remembered his blue trance. It felt
good thinking about him, and I let all the
memories of Anthony wash away. I closed my eyes
for a moment. The memory of my uncle raping me
flashed through my mind, and the day my father
left. The pain swelled overwhelmingly in my
Deeper, deeper, deeper. My thoughts drifted away
into another place, my mind sinking farther and
farther into the dark grey place. ‘There won’t
be anything better than this, just take the
offer. It’s better than being pathetic and
alone.” The words in my mind came to a final
halt as he stood and held out his hand.
"Okay." I finally whispered in reply.
I slowly took it, not realizing the fine print
of his deal. The waitress looked at me, sorrow
in her eyes as we left the building. She seemed
to see what I could not, but I didn't care.
I was brokenhearted, alone and afraid of life
passing me by. More importantly, I was starved
for love, and the man before me seemed my only
fix in sight.
He opened my car door, I got in and we drove
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