The Power of Self-compassion
“What exactly is self-compassion?” You may
have asked when you clicked on this article
link. Well, self-compassion is a powerful,
healing and acceptable thing that few of us
really even use.
Self-compassion is quite simply loving and
accepting ourselves even despite our
flaws…forgiving ourselves even when no-one but
God will.
Now maybe at first glance this sounds quite
elementary. “What’s so hard about doing
that? I defend myself all the time…I’m
proud of who I am” you might be saying; but let
me ask you something.
When you are lying in bed at night, and the
whole world has quieted down; when all you can
hear is your own breathing as you lay there in
the dark, do you wrestle with bombarding
thoughts and memories of painful moments you’ve
lived through? Perhaps painful words,
times you’ve been hurt…guilt over past
I can’t probably even count how many nights I
have encountered that place.
I was in an unusual and trying relationship with
someone for a couple of years. It was
filled with a lot of painful words and moments
of doubt. When he found another, it
shredded me.
I lay awake in bed each night over the span of
several months, and my mind would torture me
with past memories, with all of those memories
that I remembered and realized that he never
loved me at all.
Strong emotions of being rejected by my first
love, the first man to ever show the depth of
myself to, washed over my heart and my thoughts,
even condemning me of the times that I wasn’t
“good enough” to keep have his heart.
It was easy to think that there was something
wrong with me, that I wasn’t really the woman I
always thought I was. Thoughts poured over
me that I was undeserving of that kind of love,
respect, devotion, desire.
For a long time I felt tossed aside, used up and
discarded…worthless and cheap.
I didn’t feel like a virtuous woman worthy of
everything I had always dreamed. The
physical evidence left behind from my broken
relationship with him seemed to prove I was
everything but worthy.
It took mentally, emotionally and spiritually
fighting these lies with everything I had in me
to regain my peace of mind in my sleep.
I know there are countless men and women out
there wrestling with these same lies in the
night. My hope to share with you is that
first of all, you are not alone. It’s a
common lie of the dark one to destroy us slowly
from the inside out and paralyze us from
becoming powerful in Jesus Christ.
Self-compassion is acknowledging that yes, we
make mistakes…yes, we hurt people, especially
the people we love, but yes, we are still and
always will be the beautiful creations of our
flawless Creator…and He said a long time ago,
even before we took our first breath, before we
made our first mistake…”Come to me, all ye who
are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you
Let Jesus words soak into you the next time you
lay your head down to sleep; and remember that
He has a plan for you…a plan to prosper you and
not to harm you…to give you a future and a hope.
So rest your mind, rest your heart, and forgive
your wrongs…love yourself for you are made to be
The God who created compassion…forgives you; now
let the weights fall…and fly.
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