Secret Love Quotes
secret love quotes
“It’s a funny
thing…secret love. You would change
yourself and your whole world just to be with
them; just to hear them talk to you makes you
feel as though you’re experiencing an epiphany.
Just to see them look at you makes you feel as
though every speck of what you are is valuable;
and to watch them walk in the room, the
ordinary, dark boring room and watch it change
when they walk in…as if they carry a piece of
the sun itself in their being, as if now that
they’ve arrived the whole world will be okay
again. As if having them near would be the
nearest thing to heaven you’ve ever known.
But they don’t love you…and they walk on by each
time with a smile, a nod and vanish away from
your hungry sight.” Stephanie
“It does good to
no woman to be flattered [by a man] who does not
intend to marry her; and it is madness in all
women to let a secret love kindle within them,
which, if unreturned and unknown, must devour
the life that feeds it; and, if discovered and
responded to, must lead, ignis-fatuus-like, into
miry wilds whence there is no extrication.”
― Charlotte
I'm falling so
hard for you, you would never understand. I'm
falling so fast, and so hard, I feel like I'm
going to hit rock bottom and never come up
again. I feel like I'm on top of the world when
I'm with you. So let me say this, I think I love
you. – Kayla
“I can understand
where he's coming from... I too was once
secretly in love with you, and I could do
nothing but watch from afar. Being close to you
while pretending that we're nothing more than
friends. The first time I touched you with
sexual intention, it was like an electrical
current flowing through my fingertips and it
paralyzed me. I wanted to make your senses go
numb with pleasure. Not only physical pleasure,
but desire too, deep inside.”
“How flippantly
we all treat a secret love, like a joke,
something cute, as if it’s just a sweet little
thing to pat. But when we are the secret
lover, we hold our breath with each word they
speak, we long so desperately for their touch,
even just brief, we could almost bleed we long
for it so. And when they find a lover, we
feel like a shadow, longing to be seen as real,
until we finally learn we have nothing more to
do than to fade away from their light.” Stephanie
Sometimes I look
at you and wonder if you look at me. Sometimes I
think of you and wonder if you ever think of me.
Sometimes I'll remember how I fell in love with
you and wonder if you ever really loved me. – unknown
Admiring the
woman you love isn't a secret; The secret only
admires shamed hearts and supplies courage to
love the one who's a secret. – Kenneth
Melvin Jr.
really hurts sometimes because he's out there
falling in and out of love with these
girls...that aren't me. – unknown
We all have
secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the
world. Friendship we pretend. Relationships we
hide. But worst of all is the love we never let
show; the most dangerous secret a person can
bury are those we keep for ourselves. – Kevin
“A secret love is
beautiful, sweet and sacred when it’s just a
light infatuation; but when that person reaches
over and touches you in the heart, making it
alive in a way it has never known, that secret
love becomes frightening, because you can never
make them love you, you would never want to make
them love you…but all the same, no matter which
way you view it, they don’t love you…and your
heart doesn’t know how to beat the same.” Stephanie
A person may be
in love with someone until the end of time, but
if that person doesn't tell their feelings of
love, it will just be another person living a
dream . . . a loss of true love. – unknown
I have to admit,
an unrequited love is so much better than a real
one. I mean, its perfect As long as something is
never even started, you never have to worry
about it ending. It has endless potential. – Forbidden
Being secretly in
love with someone is the hardest feeling. You
get hurt,you get jealous, you cry and you get
broken...but the saddest part is he/she doesn't
know about it. –unknown
He looked so
lost, so soulful, so lonely. I wanted him to
kiss me now. I wanted to let him know I was his
for all eternity.
- Hussein
“What is it about
a secret love that makes everything they do
shine, everything they say sound like a sonnet
and every expression they make perfect, when to
everyone else you speak to they’re quite
ordinary. It’s a cruel sort of thing.” Stephanie
I wanted to tell
you all my secrets but you became one of them. – unknown
So lost for
words, I long for you. My heart soars whenever
I'm around you. Too scared to say that I like
you, because what if you don't like me too? Aly
I try to talk to
you, but I don't know what to say. I am afraid
you don't want me to say anything. So I don't.
But inside of me there are words waiting to come
out. And tell you how I feel-like how I miss
you. And how I love you despite my broken heart.
And how I need you in my life. And especially
how much I want you. But those words may forever
stay in my heart-locked inside. Sometimes I
wonder if there are words locked inside you
too...but I'll never know. – Raina
“Maybe the reason
it’s easier to shrug away one who has made us
their secret love is simply because we know our
own flaws; we know under the right light, that
illusion they believe will fall, and show us for
what we really are instead of who they secretly
hope us to be.” Stephanie
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