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Running away stories fiction

Willow Haven

Page 5

A cold gust of wind met my face as I exited out of the bathroom, freshly dressed in my work jeans and black t-shirt.  I stopped, staring at him with a look of admiration.  “What are you looking at there, baby?  You reading my thoughts again?”  He asked, raising his eyebrow in gentle curiosity.  I laughed.  “No, not this time.  I don’t know, there’s something different about you and I can’t quite figure out what it is.” 

He smiled, coming towards me with a playfulness in his eyes.  “I don’t think I have” he said jokingly, looking himself over for any change.  I smiled and walked swiftly out onto the balcony, hiking my jeans up and taking myself over its edge.  A tree limb jotted out below within reach of my foot and I swiftly climbed the remainder of the way down through the old tree.

Ethan followed after me except skipping the tree all together, he dangled near the bottom, letting himself drop to the ground.  I rolled my eyes at his he-man maneuver and we both started off towards the lake through the dark, my heart pounding with adrenaline over with all of the questions whirling around in my head.

The full moon hung behind the foggy cloud covered sky, emanating a strange thick glow over the water.  We found the gazebo and sat down; I watched as Ethan looked slightly twitchy, suddenly taking off his blood stained t-shirt.  He got up, behaving skittishly, and found some bushes nearby where he began to dig up the dirt with his hand.

I crossed my arms and followed after him, watching him in silence, knowing exactly what he was doing.  He placed the shirt into the deep ground, covering it up heavily and packing the earth down tightly with his boot.  He looked at me, wiping his sweaty forehead and leaving mud behind.  I glanced over him once, his sweaty shirtless chest stirring something strange within me.  I looked away, walking back to the balcony and sitting down.  “Ethan, what happened out there?”

He walked after me, grabbing his jacket up and putting it back on from the chill of the night.  He sat down and looked at me, his eyes heavy with secrets.  “Baelynn” he began, dropping his head for a second to construct his thoughts and then lifting his eyes back towards me.  “When a left…I decided to go back to Illinois.  I wanted to see my father again, see if things could be any different between us.”

I nodded, sitting quietly with anticipation as he spoke.  “I found him alright, with a gun in his hand.  He tried to kill me Baelynn.”

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