Quarter-life CRISIS
Leaving Age Behind
I’m Getting
Old, So What?
When I was six
years old, life looked more fun at 10 years old.
When I was 10, life looked more amazing at 15.
When I was 15 years old and crushing on a 20
year old guy, I just had to be 20!
Somehow, in all of my wishing and hoping to be
an older me, I didn’t quite realize fully at the
time that once I was older, I would never go
back. No, instead, I would just
keep…getting older, and older, and…I think you
get my point.
At first I didn’t
see a real problem with this. I knew a lot
of older people, a lot of very happy and content
older people; and when I watched their lives,
life looked beautiful. But as I turned the
corner into my early to mid-twenties, I started
experiencing a rather startling thing.
People, mainly those 3-4 years younger than I,
started labeling me as…old. Huh? I
thought to myself. Old? What like as
in decaying? Washed up? Past my
expiration date? This really threw me in a
mental sort of way.
A Quarter
In fact these
comments affected me so much that I began to
experience a horrible onslaught of depression.
At the ripe old age of 25 I began feeling as
though I may as well have been dead, buried and
done with. I felt like someone had come and
stamped a huge EXPIRED on my face and I really
battled feeling any hope about life whatsoever.
After doing a little research into what was
going on with me, I began to see that this was a
quite common thing for those in their
mid-twenties to experience, known as a quarter
life crisis.
What? What’s
wrong with this picture? I couldn’t get my brain
around what was happening to me. I’d only been
alive for 25 years and now the best years of my
life were over? Hmmm. I started realizing that
this was a bigger problem than just me getting
“older”…it was actually a piece of a very
unhealthy mentality quickly forming in our
society, a mentality ushered in around the
generations of X, Y…and Z.
Effects on Age
Our generation,
the Now Generation, upon being born and released
into the world, were thrown into a new age of
advanced technology. Research has proven that
with each passing decade, the average IQ of
human beings goes up an entire three points!
Amazing! And as you look around, the evidence
screams that it’s true as toddlers are now
“playing” with technology that now surpasses
those that had originally sent us to the moon!
Well, what’s the problem? So what?
Though this truly
is an amazing thing to behold for the sake of
human advancement in science, it has also
ushered in a tremendous level of pressure on
what a acceptable human existence should now
look like. As more and more people leap into the
wonderful world of credential success, the
window for acceptable accomplishment has gotten
smaller…and smaller…and smaller by the decade.
Drowning in a System of 'Success'
In order to surpass the majority, in todays'
society, and stand out above the rest, it takes
an extraordinary amount of effort to do so, as
we compete with the full throttle motion of ever
advancing technology and resources like never
before. To advance into a high paying career, it
takes far more than just a four year degree now
adays. No, now you have to have a four
year degree and preferrably a masters degree as
well. And then, don't stop there, because
if you don't walk in with a few years of
experience under your belt, it's unlikely you're
going to close the deal on your dream job.
From an earlier and earlier age, we have been
pushed fast and many times pre-maturely to reach
certain marks of excellene. And the down
side of this is when we feel we've missed this
mark. If we havn't gotten a career, a
house, a car and a marriage partner by the time
we're in our mid-twenties, our generation feels
rediculously...as if their shot has come and
gone and now it's too late to live their dream
the way it could have been.
In a world of
social media and constant shifts in
technological advancement, it has become a much
more challenging world to stand out in.
Looking around in this whirl- wind of forward
thinking, I have begun noticing a startling
difference between the ages out-look of say the
1950’s to that of now. What is the
difference I have noticed (other than
Technicolor)? Let me show you. Take
a look at the SUPERSTAR ICONS of the 1950s.
Now take a
look at the superstars of today:
If you sit
through a night of Turner Classic movies and
watch movie after movie into the wea hours of
the morning, you will very rarely catch a
glimpse of a mega star at that time who wasn't
over twenty years old. These days, it's
not uncommon for children to hold positions of
I remember the
night I saw Lindsey Lohan on the Late Show.
She was 19 at the time and voiced that she was
undergoing a genuine feel of depression over the
fact that she would no longer be a teenager.
I remember when I watched this, how sad it made
me that our culture has pushed in this
direction. We have come to worship a
flawless, almost child-like youthful beauty,
leaving those who have run in that system, like
Lindsey Lohan for instance, feeling outdated and
useless by the age of 20.
Please, Back
Away From the Mirror!
Sorry, I didn’t
mean to yell. Ahem. No, I’m desperate to help
get a very vital message out to our society, in
particularly to the younger generations. Please
stop for a second and breathe. Please let
yourselves feel comfort in knowing that life
actually gets more and more beautiful, richer
and more incredible as life moves on. When you
stop looking 16, when you stop looking 21, when
you stop looking 30, your life will not lose its
richness. Your existence will not be any less
amazing; quite the opposite actually. If you let
yourself enjoy the ride, if you stop trying to
apply the brakes so much and just enjoy the
ride, life is an incredible place to be at any
It’s an
absolutely for sure reality, that our greatest
enemy, the greatest thing that might try to hold
us back, make us sad, are our own minds. Not
others opinions, not our wealth, not our youth
and not our…car models. Embrace life. Don’t walk
through it constantly feeling afraid of your
next birthday. Smile. Remember that the next
time you blow out those birthday candles; you’re
going to be an even more incredible person than
you are today. And remember to remember…to enjoy
the ride of leaving age behind!
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