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A Place to Create Good 2

 Where Shadows End A Hero Begins

"Hey."  I whisper, scooting my chair closer to his.  I place my hand softly on his shoulder and look into his eyes.  "We all have cruelty in our hearts...hatred...rejection...all those nasty little things that fester up at the wrong times."  

I stand up, grabbing his coffee mug to refill it.

"Nobody is made of hate...everyone has choice."  I continued atop my soap box of glory.  I laugh, surprising him as I sit his mug back down near his hands.  

"I mean, you can look at me if you'd like.  My hate was towards myself...and honestly when I look at it all now, I really never thought I was worth more than what you dished out to me that night."

He shakes his head, reaching up to rub his face.  "I can't tell you how terrible I feel about that Braeden; and honestly, I don't even know why I do.  I've never felt terrible about any of the other women I've hurt."

"Ian, it doesn't matter though, that's what I'm trying to express here.  I mean, the past will always be there trying to invite us back into our old games...but I've learned I have a choice about who I will be today."

I laugh again, my eyes twinkling as I look down at my coffee mug.

"In were actually the villain in my dream a few weeks back.  You were pretty mean and you were trying to convince me I deserved to be hurt.  But then I figured out it wasn't actually was me who was giving the okay to be treated that way."

Ian smiles, a look of irony on his face.  "Why doesn't that surprise me in the least that I starred as the villain of your nightmare?"

I try to hold back my laughter and stay serious but I can't and nearly spit coffee all over my kitchen floor.  Ian laughs, his eyes showing joy for the very first time.

Sobering up, I take another sip of coffee and look at him, my eyes full of life as I did.

"You don't have to allow yourself to be treated like an evil being you know.  That image you have of yourself as the bad guy, you can change that whenever you would like; it's called creative choice."

I send him a sarcastic smile before returning to sincerity.  "Ian, you can be whoever you want to be, and no one can stop you but yourself."  His eyes look down, fronting his composure.  

I watch him for a few moments and then take in a deep breath, rising to my feet with decision.

"Stand up."  I say, walking over to him and pulling him to his feet.

He goes along with my request, looking down at me with humorous curiosity.  "Is this when we make up and dance?"  He whispers, his spirit still hiding behind his quick jesting sarcasm.  I shake my head and reach down for his hand, bringing it up gently to my neck.

"Two weeks and four days ago your hand hurt me.  Two weeks and two days ago your hand saved my life."  I took his finger, tracing it over the healing cut left behind by my assaulter.  "Decisions are powerful things."  I whisper, looking tenderly into his down-turned eyes.

It's quiet, the air still as the man dressed in gray stands warmly in the sunlight of another day.  

Without speaking, he takes off his gray trench coat, revealing a clean white t-shirt below.  His arms are rugged, covered in the scars of dark memories.  With warm fingertips he reaches and touches his heroins face, his ice blue traces melting slowly in the sunlight of hope's warmth, drifting far past his own dark gaze.

We all exist with a touch of gray;

Those dark places rooted in fear, anger and pain.

Reaching beyond our own dark gazes is what we all must do to be The heroes we are capable to be.

Step out of the gray recesses of your heart...

Shine what no one else yet can see,

For only you can reach beyond your own touch of gray

And find the love your heart so craves.

Click on the shattered chocolate heart to find your truest love today

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