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Man-Woman Relationships
Committed Relationships: Way More Useful than Rocket Science


Man-woman relationships - the truth

Unlike any other age that has come before us, we live in an era of progress.

We’ve learned how to fly, to drive, to build, to invent and create the most incredible technical advancements ever known.

Perhaps a hundred years ago…two hundred years ago, humans would have looked at what we are now and wished to see such a day in time; perhaps they would have watched in amazement at how far our generation has come in wiping out the plague, polio and, well, walking on the moon.

Still, one does have to wonder what our ancestor’s would have thought of modern relationships…marriages; would they question why so many of them crash and burn within only a few years’ time, despite being surrounded in modern convenience and evolvements.

Being born of such a generation I can’t help but wonder the same thing.  It’s hard for me not to ask how a generation’s whose IQ rises higher each and every decade seems to be struggling so horridly with keeping a mate long term…happily.

Man-woman relationships 
Upgrading Love

Albert Einstein is remembered as being one of the most brilliant thinkers of our time, ushering in new thought in quantum physics and molecular manipulation that had never been thought of before; yet, did you know his love life wasn’t quite so aspiring.

Einstein could never commit to one love, having numerous affairs throughout his married life.  He was known for stating that each time he thought he had found paradise it would change.

Knowing this, we can easily equate that the skill of love has little to do with brains or intellect…right?

Not So Fast...

Sure, intelligence in itself may have little to do with choosing a proper mate or staying with the person we have chosen, but still, I find more than anything else, succeeding in love does require great amounts of choice thinking.

What am I talking about?  I’m talking about the grass is greener on the other side bit; I’m talking about perspective and how horribly our current love prospect can become dirtied in our eyes…inferior…no longer the catch.

Love is starving for endurance…it is hungry for powerful pursuit and unshakable seizing.  It is what every great love story is gushing over with and yet our society has lost its purpose all together…love’s purpose.

The Haves and Haves Not

Man-Woman Relationships

Love, in its purest most powerful raw form, is fighting for someone when nobody else will. 

Romantic love was never meant to be an exchange program or a system for upgrade when the current lover no longer gives us what we think we deserve.

No, a romantic lover was meant to help us slay our inner dragons when all others have abandoned us.  A romantic lover is meant to stand beside through the darkest storms…a companion linked beside us like our own right arm.

Romantic love is made to bring us the greatest gift the world has to offer, and gives us the opportunity to bring the same.  Love.

No human being can force another to love, can steel love, kill love, silence love or demand its existence.

Love can only be given and is by far the greatest weapon we possess within us. 

Choosing to fight for our partner, not in a pitying way but in a passionate way is awesomely beautiful and only grows in power with time when exercised.

Maybe it’s time we stop exercising what we think we desire and start fueling the flames of the passion already within our arms.

Love is so intoxicating when fought for…

Let’s start fighting again and rediscover one of our greatest powers…

Relationships that refuse to be broken apart.  

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