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Love breakups - How to Thrive Again

What is it that we look for in life?  It seems to me that we are all woven together into one big piece, all tied into each other with our longings for acceptance, love, respect…from each other.  Sitting here in this moment, writing, it is clear to me that we all aspire for a beautiful life, though we all have a different image of what that means.

I loved someone for the last three years.  In that amount of time it was almost like a life time composed of moments similar to heaven and to hell.  I gave him a piece of my heart.  He was my first love, the only romantic love I have ever known.  Coming from a past of low-self-esteem and unsure any man would desire me it brought me a strength of realizing I did in fact possess something good.

Though our relationship, romantically speaking, perhaps really ended long ago, he was the first to move on and find his soul mate.  Here I sit now with a choice in my hands.  Yes, my heart it grieving, yes I still long for him and somehow wish I could have been his one love, but it’s okay.  I will be okay.  The pain I feel now, no matter how overwhelming it is, it will sub-side.  Down the road I will find as I move on from him, that there is a better fit for me, and I will find him.

Love breakups - continued

But how does one cope in the mean-time, as their heart breaks un-endingly inside of them?  The tears I have shed are innumerable, and when I picture him longing for her I almost vomit.  But why is this?

To any of my readers out there who may be going through a break-up or heart-ache of any kind, I bring you hope today and some comfort.  For the next few minutes, follow these words let them sink deep inside of you as I am letting them do now.  

Please realize that really there is nothing lost, only something gained.  I promise the heart-ache will sub-side, but know in your heart you can now be even more incredible than ever before…because of this painful moment in time…you are now going to be incredible.

You are a human being, no matter your circumstance, position and despite anything you may have experienced or done, you possess a great great power…the power to change yourself, and the power to realize you possess everything you will ever need…right now, to thrive, be loved and love. 

If you have been through a painful place and you experienced feeling left in the dirt as they moved on, you are not in the dirt.  You are on a mountain top actually.  Realize that you can take all you have learned and stand tall, for you are now even wiser than before, and you now have a tremendous view of what you want and all you can be.

It’s very important to realize that it’s you who hold the key to your life.  Take the experience for what it is and rejoice that you experienced a moment of being loved, even if it was only for a short while.  As your heart heals, realize that life will only get brighter.

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