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Fiction short short stories

Kissing Australia

Page 3

Mac watched Desseray with a small smile as the October breeze blew her gown in dramatic emphasis to her words.  “Now you don’t be watching her the way you are, you hear me stranger?  Dessy may be naive but I sure ain’t and you’re going to have to walk over my cold dead body before you ever afford to violate her!”  Dessy shot Trent a ferocious glare, and walked hotly towards him and his painted horse.  “Oh, get out of here you annoying, paranoid pest!” She exclaimed, slapping the horse’s rump and making it fearfully trot away.  “My gosh, the men in this area…what am I going to do with them?” 

Mac stepped from the shadows and smiled, pulling his sleeves down and taking off his hat to reveal his deep blue eyes.  “You know, men don’t behave that way where I’m from…our women are independent as we are they are.” He said, walking my way under the dark stars.  “Why don’t you come live down there a while, there near my ranch?  You seem ya like an adventcha now and then…tomorrow morning I’m leavin out, what do ya say?  Ya game?”

Trent came riding back, finally in control of his deranged animal.  “Now Dessy, what kinda lies is that man pouring over you, cause I can see you soaking up something like some ol big sponge!”  Dessaray moved her hair from her eyes and gave Trent a smile.  “Trent, I’m going to Australia!  And you can’t stop me you heal!  This man here’s going to be my tour guide down there and I’m going to have a betta time than I eva had here!”

Trent shook his head as Dessaray walked swiftly towards her new adventure man.  “What times that wonderful flight leave, sugar?  Cause I’m ready to fly outa here!”  Mac smiled casually.  “Didn’t know you’d take me up so quickly, I’m just a bogan looking for a little fun.  Is your bloke commin as well then?”  Dessy turned to Trent, her arms crossed in an angry furrow.  Trent looked sternly back, proud in his saddle with his eyes trained on Mac.  “I sure am, fella…I promised this woman’s father I’d look after her when he died and some plane ride’s not going to change that.”    

(Constinue to Page 4)

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