Fantasy fiction
short story
Fantasy fiction short story
Nicoline and the Stars
Page 2
I had been back and back again to this lonesome
rock, each time feeling as though I was
beckoning for the answers to my many
questions…each time feeling turned away with no
explanation, as though the quiet night air held
no remorse for my searching heart. The
bird called out cooing into the dark space
around us. I always wondered what it might
be saying and why we couldn’t understand it.
Was it all some cruel joke? I shook my
head in response to my own question and let out
an exasperated tone. “What?”
Nicoline looked over at me in the darkness, her
green eyes always searching me over, trying to
make some type of sense for the way I seemed to
tic. “Mmm…” I grunted back, too
tired to explain. “It is getting pretty
cold, maybe we should leave.” I began to
stir to leave but Nicoline didn’t move.
Fantasy fiction
short story

I looked over at her, feeling my impatience
grow. She looked up at me, her normally
absent minded, light hearted expression now
changed into a deeply focused one. “Have
you ever thought about leaving?” I slowly
lay back down. I sighed out loud, ruffling
my hair and rubbing my face for some warmth.
“All the time.” Nicoline looked over at
me, her eyes lit with sudden excitement. “You
have?” She exclaimed. I laughed and
looked at her. “I think we all do, don’t
we? I mean all the girls here, at least
most of them have talked to me about it before.”
Nicoline looked at me wide eyed, intrigue
covering her gaze. “What have they said to
you?” She sat up, waiting expectantly for
my answer. I propped myself on my elbows
and looked out into the darkness. “I don’t
know, I guess mainly everybody kind of wonders
how it would be different; you know, like maybe
if we hadn’t taken his offer.” Nicoline
looked deeply into my face, her fingers holding
tightly around her knees. “Do you think it
would be worth leaving?” She asked, her
expression holding enough desperate innocence to
break a heart. I looked at her, my face
weary from thinking, my skin cold and numb.
“No, I don’t think so Nicoline. Where
would we go anyways if we did?” Her gaze
dropped down at my words, her hands lying limp
and lifeless in her lap. “Stupid thought
anyway.” She whispered. Her words
fell out of her mouth like a broken song.
Suddenly branches crackled nearby.
Startled, we both sat up straight, silently
breathing with quickened breath.
Each passing second felt like an eternity as we
listened for our intruder…but all we could hear
was the defining silence of the night.
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