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Dark Romantic Poetry
Deep Blue Heart


Dark Romantic Poetry
Deep Blue Heart

How do you fall out of love?  And why does it have to be so dramatic…the action of falling alone implies a dangerous moment of being dis-placed, to fall out of love. 

I don’t know if I was ever in love, really.  I’m not sure if I had ever crossed through those blazing gates of romantic glory, sure that I ever even gave my heart, as so many love songs will imply.  I don’t know if I ever truly knew he was the one, or that God and destiny marked us each with a kiss of love for each other, to always be together united like a tsunami wave unites with the sea.  I’m not sure if I ever lived these passionate symbols of LOVE.  Yet in the aftermath of my experience, left in the bay of rubble after a storm…I do feel like I am falling.  In fact, since the moment our relational storm had ended, I have not ceased from “falling” out of my own substance, searching frantically for something great to catch me and let my broken body know it still had worth.  “Please!”  I cried, as the cold wind gusted through my hair and froze the tears in my eyes.  “Let me know I’m still worth it!  Tell me my life still has meaning and I’ll breathe again!”  
I fell for a long time, spiraling, spinning, whirling endlessly off my own cliff of well-being, until finally…it all came to a final startling end.  POP!  Onto the ground I landed.  There were no warm arms to catch me, no soft voice to sing me back to life, no music to fill my silent void.  All the fairy tales whirled ceaselessly through my mind, of one that would kiss me and bring my broken heart back to life, or search for me through every city until he found me locked in my cold little room.  But as time passed, my limbs grew stiff, my breath grew faint.  My hope that once sprung in me each morning seemed to slowly drain from my mind.  The sun grew cold and distant behind the looming clouds above, and a silence fell in my lonely ears as my heart sang its final song…that my prince’s woman…his lover…had finally died.

Waking Up To a Beautiful Reality

The princess aka my prince’s lover, did in fact die that day, but don’t be alarmed!  Though this scene above may sound quite tragic, not everything is as it initially seems.  See, this is not the end to this story but actually a wonderful beginning.  Our heroine, the princess, actually comes back to life!  
The air was cold and windy on my face.  Inside me, my heart had indeed died but my soul was determined to live.  My mind rolled with images of my life, my family, my friends, the color of the grass and a moment when my kind garden teacher died.  I saw clips of times where I held loved ones near and times when I pushed them away.  I saw millions of moments in a flash of opportunities I simply didn’t take.   

In a shocking moment, air came back to my lungs.  I opened my eyes and saw the sky.  I breathed the air and got up from the ground and stood, stretching up high.  He stood up high upon the cliff, looking over the edge in surprise.  So slowly I climbed that mountain side, one step at a time.  I scuffed my feet and hurt the whole time, dreaming with each passing moment of when he would hold me in his arms.

I was crawling now, exhausted to the point of almost giving up.  I reached the final edge of the hill and crawled up the last hard stretch.  I opened my eyes, wiping the sweat from my face and looked with all hope to see if he would still be there, but he was gone.

“No” I whispered under my gasping breath as I crawled to the grassy place he once stood.  He was nowhere to be found.  I could hardly breathe as the shock filled my body.  What became of my lover, my friend?  Where did he go, the one who would fight darkness itself for me and hold me through the harshest storm?


My heart cried, deep and full, brimming with love so rich it broke inside of me.  The blood poured over me, soaking my clothes and drenching the ground below.  I looked down and watched my hearts’ blood flow, warm when I touched it, curious to see.  It was red, bright flowing red, for all blood glows red when it dies.

The pains finally dripped away.  I looked over the edge of the world from where I had just fallen.  Crimson blue waters met my eyes.  I watched for a moment at the rising tide, its passion beating endlessly across the desert ground as if desperately trying to bring the dry ground back to life. 

I took one last breath and went to jump.  A voice called out in the closing night.  I turned to see my new lovers’ eyes.  His clothes were torn and his skin was battered, his smile just a broken trace of hope.

I stood still, the ocean tide calling me, the wind tossing me nearer and nearer to the cliffs’ edge.  “Oh Sweet One, Breathless Wonder, how I have searched for you when I saw you fall.”  He came to me, falling on his knees, looking up into my eyes with longing.  “Give your sweet broken heart to me.”

The night was soft as embers light, the moon full and ripe.  The stars sang melodies of love's magnificent fight.  My broken heart was beating deep, my love as rich as the sky. 

I traced his brow gently as he rose to meet my gaze.  We held onto each other and shared one undying kiss.  The blue wisps of my dress enwrapped us and backwards we fell into the oceans’ mysterious bliss.

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