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Crush and Love Quotes

Crush and Love Quotes

“Gosh, is there anything better…then that moment when it’s quiet in his vehicle…and the rain is pouring like thick sheets outside, momentarily hiding you from the world; and your heart is beating as you work to keep the moment at a casual conversation level…and when you look up, before you can react, his hand brings your longing lips to his…and for a moment of ecstasy that always feel like a bridge between minutes and eternity, you both fall into a weightless and euphoric state of being…somewhere past the clouds…somewhere past the sky…even space…you’ve gone somewhere unknown…and never do you wish to land.”

-       Stephanie Schneider


Love is like sunshine. It brings a golden glow to its beholder's face. And a warm feeling all over their body. It awakens souls and opens eyes. And when its over, it leaves billions of small memories called stars. To remind the world, that it still exists.

 -       Unknown



There are 3 great things in this world
The first thing is for you to love someone
The second thing is for someone to love you back
And the third greatest thing is for the first and second thing to happen at the same time.

-       Unknown

crush and love quotes

Crush and Love Quotes - continued

Crush and Love Quotes

They say it takes a minute to find a special person
An hour to appreciate them
A day to love them
But then an entire life to forget them

 -       Unknown


Love is dangerous because you have to choose someone you know is going to be good to you and treat you with respect; if you choose the wrong person then it will break your heart. To be in true love means that you trust someone with everything.

 -       Unknown


“I knew you didn’t love me, but somehow it still felt as though I could live with that.  Like sugar and an ant…I could give you all of me forever with nothing in return but your presence, and I would be satisfied.”

-       Stephanie Schneider


Love is a sweet breeze that tickles your feelings when you have closely shut your heart. Love is an unexpected guest that doesn't even knock on the door and just invades your soul without asking permission.

-       Unknown

“How can you have eyes like that…it should be illegal.  With just one glance you render me useless to this world, and when you look away…I’m lost forever without your soul looking into mine.”

-       Stephanie Schneider

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