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Cheap modern house

Shipping Container Modern Home


When I first heard of the notion of building a house out of old shipping containers, I won’t lie…it didn’t thrill me.  My only memories regarding shipping containers were those of my childhood in Africa, each day facing its blistering internal heat to fetch supplies for the day.

Yet many many people are turning to this new and relatively in-expensive sort of living…but why?

For starters, depending on where you buy from, the cost of an average 20 foot shipping container normally ranges between $1500 to $3500 per container.

Considering you can successfully build an amazing home abode using just one container, that is an amazing price for construction.

Why Shipping Container Homes are Amazing

Aside from there cost effective construction, shipping container homes can be wonderful long term pay-offs.

Highly durable against natural disasters of many kinds, these “recycled” homes will save you money with their walls of steel.

One man in Florida would know, he built his home using 12 shipping containers total for a massive living space.  The total cost in building such a massive structure?  $200,000 (Estimated cost per square foot $55)

By plastering the metal structure in solar panels, the electric company pays him…$300 per month.

What about over-heating in the summer time?  Well, thanks to the insulation, this structure actually only costs him $250 a YEAR in electricity.

Read his full story here:

Cheap modern house

What will I need to build my own Shipping Container Home?

First of all, you’ll need a little piece of land, for which you will then pour a slab of regular construction cement for your foundation. (Don’t forget that septic system!)

Next, as you cut out your window and door frames, remember to place reinforcement to compensate for those massive sections of metal which you are removing for sustained stability.

Depending on how many shipping containers you yourself are using, line them up in the desired array and weld them strongly in place together.

Next step, install your doors and windows, then your light fixtures etc. for final touches.

Spray the interior of the walls with Supertherm insulative coating, then add in your drywall to the interior of the container walls for added insulated effect.  Don’t forget to add in your plywood floor.

Finish with your basic electrical wiring and perfect paint color for the ultimate effect!

Need more details on building your own gorgeous Shipping Container Home?  Click here for full plans and tep by step on how to build your own Shipping Container Home. 

Where to purchase used shipping containers and more shipping container buys.

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