Between Lust and Love - Page 2
Striking Blow
Lechery laughs as he walks towards the window;
turning to Braeden he shakes his head and leans
upon its seal. The dove does not fly, but
remains as the man in gray speaks on. “Did you
really believe for a minute…?” He laughs again
and then stops suddenly. “Sunlight!” He exclaims
to the court while keeping his hands planted
firmly on the seal behind him. He continues.
“She thinks sunlight…” Suddenly he walks briskly
towards you and snatches the white rose from
Braedens’ hand ”sunlight and flowers can give
you hope to leave my touch?” With rage he
crumples the rose in his hand…the petals fall to
the floor. Braeden looks back at Letchery, anger
in her eyes. The Man in Gray smiles with
arrogance and leans in close and whispers into
Braedens’ ear. “I can see your ugly scars,
little whore.” Braeden jerks her head back,
clenching her hands to hide the pain in her
heart. Lechery returns to the window. He draws
out a small tool, as if to clean his
fingernails. Time seems to freeze as she watches
him. He peaks his gaze up at Braedens’ one last
quick time. Without hesitation he takes the dove
and slays it. “No!” Braeden cries as she reaches
out in instinct with a gasp, words drained from
her body. The bird lays lifeless in Lechery’s
grip, its blood pours down his arm, the gray
man’s hand stained red. He throws it down before
Braedens’ feet. Letcherys’ words are cold and
dead as he kicks the bird aside from his path.
“You hope in a myth.”
Sweet Hope...Gone
The words fall like
at your feet. The court is quiet…the judge looks
at Braeden for her defense. She looks
desperately towards the courtroom doors. They
remain silently closed. No hope of a hero is in
sight. The man in gray points the way back to
the gray house, the dove lays dead on the floor.
Her hope is gone. She is guilty as charged,
sentenced to a life of dark echoing halls; of
emptiness and of shame.
Braeden steps down
from the Defendants stand and begins
to walk. Her footsteps sound
sharp and unreal as they echo through her ears.
Lechery walks a foot in front, his hands cold
and gray. It seems forever, the time that passes
walking back down that wooden isle from where
she came…when she was searching for freedom and
life. Now she walks back in chains. In a numb
and quiet place tears choke deep inside. Braeden
stops and cannot take another step when she
approaches the dove at her feet. The heaviness
that covers her is too much to bear. Out loud
she cries “Is there no hope for me?” She lifts
the dove up as she kneels there on the floor and
lays the dove on your lap. Tears fall quickly.
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(Continue to chapter 13)
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